My Nintendo Reward Glow-In-The-Dark Zelda: TOTK Keychain Gets A Restock

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Cover Image for My Nintendo Reward Glow-In-The-Dark Zelda: TOTK Keychain Gets A Restock

A Platinum Points prize if you missed out last time.

Around this time last year, Nintendo revealed a swanky Tears of the Kingdom glow-in-the-dark keychain as a My Nintendo reward. It disappeared pretty swiftly, with many clamouring to splash their prized Platinum Points on the product, but now, it's back.

Yes, the exclusive reward has been restocked on both the European and North American My Nintendo Stores. For just 600 Platinum Points in Europe and 550 in the US (plus shipping, of course), you can get your (ultra)hands on the reward that escaped so many of us last time.

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