PSA: Be Warned, Nintendo's New 'Emio' Trailer Is Packed With Late-Game Spoilers

10 horas atrás • Nintendo Life • Via Seu agregador de notícias Nintendo
Cover Image for PSA: Be Warned, Nintendo's New 'Emio' Trailer Is Packed With Late-Game Spoilers

Bag practice.

This is a warning to all those who are yet to play Emio - The Smiling Man: Famicom Detective Club and want to work through the mystery unspoiled: do not watch Nintendo's latest trailer for the game.

Yesterday, Nintendo uploaded a new trailer for the 2024 mystery entitled 'What Lies in the Past' (we've linked it in that last sentence but won't be embedding it for obvious reasons). It's an innocent-looking title and, without any form of warning at the start, bar the age certification the Nintendo of America upload, you would be forgiven for thinking it's just another promo. Perhaps, at a stretch, the reveal of some upcoming DLC. But no, it's actually loaded with late-game content that you might want to avoid.

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