Soapbox: I Hated Metroid: Zero Mission At First, Until I Loved It

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Cover Image for Soapbox: I Hated Metroid: Zero Mission At First, Until I Loved It

We all make mistakes.

Soapbox features enable our individual writers and contributors to voice their opinions on hot topics and random stuff they've been chewing over. Today, to celebrate Metroid: Zero Mission's 20th anniversary on 9th February 2024, Ollie looks back on his initial experience with the game, and why first impressions can't always be trusted...

As a child in the UK, I had a lot of experience with the Mega Drive and PlayStation. It wasn’t until I was maybe eight or nine years old that I started becoming aware of Nintendo and that’s because I was obsessed with Pokémon after being gifted a stunning teal Game Boy Color for Christmas.

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