Opinion: Against All Odds - Why Does RPG RNG Hate Me?

4 horas atrás • Nintendo Life • Via CoelhoNews.com: Seu agregador de notícias Nintendo
Cover Image for Opinion: Against All Odds - Why Does RPG RNG Hate Me?

Drop it like it's not.

Ah, yes, hello. Here I am, yet again, wandering around the same part of the world map over and over. I’m surprised I haven’t managed to cull the White Tiger population near the city of Muse in Suikoden II, because I've been here for almost an hour and I’ve probably killed over 200 of these things. All for one darn rune.

'Why do I do this to myself?' I ask as I continue going through the motions: walk in a circle until I get into a random battle; make sure the enemies are tigers; run away if they’re little clockwork robots, or press fast-forward and auto-battle if they are tigers; defeat them; check the loot; roll my eyes when I don’t get a Double-Jab Orb (formerly known as a Double-Beat Orb which... uh, don’t think about the name too hard); rinse, repeat.

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