Review: PO'ed: Definitive Edition (Switch) - A Welcome Return For A Weird And (Sometimes) Wonderful FPS

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Cover Image for Review: PO'ed: Definitive Edition (Switch) - A Welcome Return For A Weird And (Sometimes) Wonderful FPS

Out of the frying pan and into space.

Following up the sublime Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster was always going to be tough. Rather than tackle another well-known franchise, Nightdive Studios has wisely chosen to revisit one of the weirdest forgotten gems of the ‘90s with PO’ed: Definitive Edition. Utilising the same principles as Dark Forces, Nightdive’s latest project breathes fresh air into the Any Channel-developed FPS which debuted on 3DO, modernising it in all the right ways while maintaining a respectable level of authenticity.

We should stress right from the start, though: this is a weird game, and it won’t be for everybody. The Dark Forces Remaster was based on an already well-known title, and even if you hadn’t played the original, it was crammed full of recognisable imagery from the Star Wars franchise to help ease you into the old-school experience.

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